Checkout " tab page

You can take along a license (for example on a journey), administrated at a FLM server, for a limited period.

To do this, the license is exported to the local computer on the Checkout tab page.


If the respective user is not allowed to that the dialog is inactive (dimmed).[87]

In order to check out a license proceed as follows:

  1. Select the Checkout tab page.

    Checkout " tab page

    Checkout " tab page

  2. Activate the desired license (or a number of) via checkbox.

  3. Set the expiration date [Expiration date] for the checkout [Checkout]. The license is then available again as a "normal" floating license.


    Consider that checked out licenses cannot be returned before the defined expiring date.

  4. Click Activate checkout or Expand and activate checkout [Extend and activate checkout].

  5. Optional:

    If you want to modify the previous loan (add another license), click Deactivate checkout, make the change and then click Extend and activate checkout again.

[87] Information on activation can be found on Section, “ Lending " tab page ”.