Over 25,000 Facebook fans – Popularity of PARTcommunity continues to rise
Component manufacturers benefit from the major presence of their product catalog on Facebook

The 3D CAD download portal PARTcommunity is highly popular with engineers and purchasers. At www.partcommunity.com thousands of 2D & 3D CAD models of renowned component manufacturers are downloaded daily free of charge. The great popularity of the download portal of CADENAS is also shown by the sensational number of fans of the PARTcommunity Facebook page: There are already over 25,000 persons following the latest trends and innovations of 3D CAD models and engineering.

Quick and easy presence on Facebook with your product catalog
The great number of Facebook fans is a clear advantage for CADENAS customers: If you, as a component manufacturer, have an Electronic Product Catalog of eCATALOGsolutions Technology, your 3D CAD models are also represented on the Facebook page of the download portal of PARTcommunity. Thus, you benefit automatically from the successful presence on Facebook and draw the attention of more than 25,000 Facebook users to your product catalog.

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