Find the perfect pieces for the whole puzzle with the PARTsolutions search for mounting parts
Search the inventory of individual parts easily during the construction phase with the CADENAS Strategic Parts Management

Birds are real "design experts" when it comes to building nests. They not only use grass, stems, branches, moss and even their own feathers to build their nests, but also scraps of paper, small pieces of bark or even animal hair. The individual "attachment parts" are carefully selected to ensure a safe home for their offspring. Engineers likewise often require special mounting parts for their designs. Finding that one suitable component isn't always so easy in practice and can be very time-consuming.
Quick searching of parts inventory with the help of PARTsolutions mounting parts search

The mounting part search by CADENAS allows the search of the parts inventory in a matter of seconds during the design phase. Thus, already existing angles, crosspieces, crosslinks and similar mounting parts can be integrated into the design instead of creating new individual parts. The search pattern is defined by selecting features in the CAD system, such as drill holes. The search results are listed directly in the CAD. The mounting part search promotes the reuse of the existing parts inventory. The appropriate attachment part can be placed in the opened CAD assembly with a click.
How the PARTsolutions mounting part search works in practice:
Under the motto "intelligent finding", CADENAS presents new opportunities to quickly find product information as well as CAD data of standard, purchased and individual parts. The search functions have been optimized especially for the needs of engineers as well as purchasers and facilitates the finding of required components through intuitive operation.
Learn more about intelligent finding methods by CADENAS at: