Set the desired language under Attr_CopyFrom_00. The keys Attr_Content_00 and Attr_Section_00 remain unchanged.
default: The attributes in the $CADENAS_LANGUAGE are transferred.
Specify the language (german, english, french, etc.): The standard attributes are transferred in the specified language.
Note If there is no translation for an attribute in the specified language, no attribute is transferred (not even the one from the $CADENAS_LANGUAGE language).
The parameters "var_exclude" and "var_visbile=1" can be used to copy attributes.
"var_visible=1": (default): Tells the interface that only visible attributes have to be processed.
You can use "var_exclude" to assign certain attributes to an "Ignore" list.
No entry: No standard attributes are transferred. (To explicitly pass certain attributes, please see the information in the following sections)
In SolidWorks, these are displayed as standard attributes under File information -> User-defined tab page.