Copy project data / Paste project data

You can use the context menu command Copy project data to copy specific project data from one project to another.

These can be:

  • All data from all categories on the General tab page, e.g. project type [Project type], short name [Shortname], author [Author], company key [Company key], etc.

  • Classification data (e.g. CNS [also data from connection points], Revit, eClass, standards, etc.)

  • Views: 2D derivation

  • Accessories: Links to parts

  1. Select a project under Project selection and select the Copy project data command in the context menu or alternatively Ctrl+Shift+C.

    -> The Copy data dialog box opens.

  2. Activate the checkbox for the desired data or classes and then confirm with OK.

    Save the current selection as a template [Save current selection as template]: If you have saved templates, you can select them in the list field and load [Load template] them using Load template.

  3. Select the desired target project and execute the context menu command Insert project data (alternatively Ctrl+Shift+V).


    Under SVN control, the Insert project data command is inactive with QA status 1.

  4. Special case: When copying connection point data, the Replace 3db file names and CP names [Replace 3db filenames and CP names] dialog box opens.

    Select an option from the Target 3D file [Target 3db files] and Target connection points [Destination Connection Points] list boxes and then confirm with OK.

    • You must always make a selection, otherwise a corresponding error message will appear.

    • You can also select a different file and/or a different attachment point.

    • If the same combination of class ID, instance name and condition already exists in the target project and the variable values are the same, the corresponding class instance is omitted when copying in order to avoid duplicates.

    • If the same combination of class ID, instance name and condition already exists in the target project and the variable values are DIFFERENT, the class instance is copied and the instance number is incremented.