The Rolling bearings [Roller bearing] tab page only appears for the 2D rolling bearings [Roller bearing] and 2D/3D rolling bearings [Roller bearing] project types.
The individual components of a bearing, i.e. the *.3db files of the bearing rings [Bearing flange] and rollers/ball bearings [Rollers/balls], are combined in a rolling bearing project file.
Bearings, rollers or balls must be aligned in the PARTdesigner rotationally symmetrical on the x-axis (see illustration). It is sufficient to design a ball or roller, as you only need to enter the required total number in the Balls/rollers [Spheres/Rollers per row] per row field and the bearing will be completed accordingly.
For a quick overview, you can make the appropriate settings in the two fields Storage [Bearing shape] form and Storage type [Bearing type].
If you want to add dimensioning views [Dimensioning views] to the project, enter them at the bottom of the tab page. In the Variants dialog area, you can also optionally assign different dimensioning views [Dimensioning views] under variable control.